How we are keeping both patients and practitioners safe during Covid-19.

As we slowly re-open to in person appointments, we wanted to inform you of a few things that we have put in place to keep both patients and staff as safe as possible. These rules and guidelines are based on directives from our various Colleges and professional associations and the provincial health authority.


We respectfully ask the following:

  • Please do not bring any additional family or friends into your appointment (unless absolutely required). They are welcome to wait for you outside of the clinic or in your vehicle.

  • In order to observe physical distancing guidelines and cleaning protocols, we will ask for you to please wait in your vehicle or outside the clinic until your appointment time.

Once inside the clinic:

  • You will be required to use the provided hand sanitizer and wear a mask. We encourage you to bring your own mask (cloth or disposable are fine) but we will have a few on hand in case you don’t have one.

  • You will be asked to answer some Covid-19 pre-screening questions.


What other measures have been put in place to protect your safety?


a)       Maintaining a 2m separation wherever possible between persons

b)      Restricting the number of staff and patients in the clinic at any time

c)       Plexi-glass barriers on desks at reception and in doctors’ offices


a)       Frequent hand washing with soap and water and with alcohol based hand sanitizer which is readily available in common spaces and offices

b)       Along with normal cleaning, approved hard surface disinfectant is used to clean and disinfect high traffic areas and frequent cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch/shared surfaces such as: desktops, handrails, chairs, doorknobs, light switches, toilet handles, faucets and taps after each appointment

c)      Magazines, toys and refreshments have been removed

d) Practitioners will be wearing masks and other PPE

e) We will not be serving tea or water, so please feel free to bring your own, if wanted.

Please click here for the answers to some common questions regarding whether or not you should come to your appointment.


Janice Dacyshyn